
Remember To Help Poor In Ramadan

The beautiful Month of Ramadan comes every year to refresh our Emaan and teach us to sacrifice, forgive, be patient and avoid bad deeds. In the holy month of Ramadan different types of special foods are prepared for Sehr as well as Iftar. In this month preparation for Eid Ul Fitr are also done by doing shopping of new dresses, shoes and various other things. Another thing that we need to remember in this month is helping the poor.

Because Ramadan and Eid is for Poor as well not just Rich. Most of Muslims pays Zakat in Ramadan. So we should try to find the right deserving person for giving the Zakat. Secondly we should do maximum Charity in this month. Thirdly we should also share the delicious foods that we Make for Iftar with the poor people. Fourthly we should also make it sure that Poor can also take part in the celebrations of Eid Ul Fitr.

For Eid we should try to provide them with Dresses and Shoes specially for Kids. Allah SWT love those people for helps the poor and if we will do it in Ramadan the Ajar will increase many more times. So do maximum Charity in this blessed month because none of us knows whether this month will come again in our life or not?
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