
Islam Teaches About Forgiving

Pride and arrogance are the worst attributes which destroy every kind of relationship. Our hearts should be filled with humility and submiss...
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Most Searched Islam Related Words In 2011 Online

Another year 2011 is going to end in few weeks and now we are in middle of last month of this year December 2011. During 2011 like other te...
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A Short Explanation of Holy Quran

Quran is the last book of Allah swt revealed on last prophet Muhammad salal laho aliehi waslam.It is the only book which is free from all ki...
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Summary of Surah Rehman

Surah rehman is one of the most beautiful surahs of Quran. In every surah of Quran, some specific thing has been talked. Like in surah baqar...
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Money is Important but it’s not Everything

Money is that alchemist, which has told people that secret to convert everything into gold which is not known to them otherwise. It is with ...
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Dawah is Responsibility of Every Muslim

Dawah means to invite. In islam this term is used widely to invite people to islam. Inviting others on family gatherings and chit chat forum...
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Look at Poor not the Richer

“If you want to live happily, look at those below you”, this is a well known saying. Its meaning is beautiful and vast but it is not underst...
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Hindu scriptures and oneness of GOD

Though many hindus worship around 33 thousand gods and some surveys have even revealed this astonishing fact that the total gods to be worsh...
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Blessings of Jannah Paradise

Jannah is that place which will become eternal abode of the believers. Jannah is talked about in Quran in many places and it is made clear o...
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Benefits of reading Quran with translation

Quran is that book of ALLAH which is a biggest miracle of ALLAH and it will remain the same till the last day. ALLAH swt Himself has promise...
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Waswas Insinuating Thoughts

Waswas are those thoughts which satan infuses in our mind. Sometimes while sitting alone or while thinking, some odd thoughts struck our min...
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This newly created term “islamophobia” is not found in the oxford dictionary probably because they do not want to get themselves offended or...
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Imam Bukhari A Great Muslim

Imam bukhari is that muhadith who collected the most sahih ahadith mubarika. Imam bukhari had done immense wok in collection of hadith and h...
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Taweez In Islam

Taweez or amulets are the well known tools to wave off bad luck, jins, paranormal beings, magic effects, bad eye etc. the market of taweez i...
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Muslims Follows Jesus pbuh more than Christians

ALLAH swt sent HIS messengers to guide humans in every age. He selected his special slaves for this purpose who are called messengers. Amon...
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Duas for Daily Life

There are duas for all the routine acts that we do daily. ALLAH swt has set a standard for us which differs muslims from non muslims. This ...
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Difficulties of Life

Some says life is a gift others say life is a test while some think life is a fun. But one thing is common for everyone and that is life’s d...
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Using Social Media For Islamic Dawah

Dawah i.e. preaching of islam is a continuous process which never stopped from the day ALLAH’s apostle Muhammad s.a.w.w was given prophet ho...
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Keeping Balance In Rights of Mother and Wife

Mother in law and daughter in law fights are very common in the subcontinent. Though the jealousy between Saas and bahu is apparent in every...
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Muslim Matrimonial Sites are of no use

Once there used to be marriage offices where every fake and true person would come with the lies and truths to marry. These marriage offices...
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Great Muslim Scientists

Science today has been made something alien which does not believe in religions and GOD and which means to rely on human brain and human rea...
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Eid Ul Fitr Cards 2011

Preparations of Eid Ur Fitr 2011 are going on in every Muslim house. everyone is getting ready to celebrate this big day in a a different w...
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Investing money in way of ALLAH

AL-Quran 35:029 “Surely, those who recite the book of GOD, observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and from our provisions to them they spend ...
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Keep an eye what your children Watch on TV and internet

TV and internet has changed the life style of all of us. The time which we used to spend once, with friends in social gatherings and with p...
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Visiting the Sick In Islam

Health and illness are two alternates which every human sees in his life. Some people fell ill too much and some people fell ill with large...
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Is Women Really Free In Western Society?

The feminist west despite of its modern values and educated class, still lacks the rights of women. No matter what women claim to have when...
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Muhammad SAW The Final Prophet

Islam has been completed 1432 years ago. It means that whatever ALLAH swt wanted to teach humanity till the last day, has completed i.e. th...
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Keep Your Mouth Breath Good

If you happen to meet a person who spoke and you could feel his mouth breath which was bad, whenever you will think of that person again, y...
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Abu Bakr Siddiq R.A

The first caliph of islam was  Abu Bakr Siddiq R.A. his real name was Abdullah and his second name was ateeq which later on became his titl...
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Eid Ul Fitr in Pakistan Photos

Only one week is left in this year's Eid now so everyone is excited about it. we have brought some interested photos of former Eid Ul Fi...
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From Adam to Muhammad SAW all Prophets Preached Islam

The message of ALLAH swt i.e. the true religion of islam is not 1432 years old. It is not only few hundred years old but it is there from th...
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Resolving Differences Between Shia and Sunni Muslims

Since the very beginning of the world, people are differing by their concepts and  thoughts. This is what ALLAH swt has said in the below ve...
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Importance Of Getting Education In Islam

Islam is the religion of nature and knowledge. islam starts with knowledge and it has prospered and became successful only because through t...
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Lying Is a Big Sin In Islam

You will have to tell countless lies to hide the very first lie you told. Very true, to conceal one wrong statement, people make hundred mo...
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Forced Marriages and Islam

“We have selected this girl for you”, “we have selected this boy for you for marriage”, these are the common words that come out from paren...
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Abortion and Birth Control Islam's View Point

As the time is passing, traditions and trends are changing. What was considered as a sin few decades ago is now a normal thing. From among ...
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Signs of Strong and Weak Iman

AL-Quran 6:161 Say, “In fact my Lord has guided me to the straight path. It is the true eternal faith, and the religion of the community of ...
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Greatness of Hazrat Ali R.A

After Muhammad s.a.w.w Muslims were led by the four prominent caliphs of Islam namely, abu bakar siddiq r.a, umar farooq r.a, usman ghani r....
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Eid Ul Fitr 2011 New Wallpapers

This Year's Eid is just few weeks away as Ramadan is going towards its End. Here we are posting Eid Ul Fitr 2011 New Wallpapers.
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Reality of Quran khawani and Esale Sawab

Qul, jumerat, chaliswan and barsi, these are the concepts related to the death of a person. When a person dies third day is celebrated as q...
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How to treat non-Muslims

The kholoos of a person defines his most important personality aspect. If a person is not morally fine, he will never be fine in anything t...
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Haram and Halal Earning

The haram earnings are forbidden and those who earn haram by any means are said to commit grave sin. Verses of Quran and hadith are there t...
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10 Major Sins in Islam

Sins are classified into two categories, the major sins and the minor sins. It is easy to abstain from major sins because we know them and ...
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Sunnah way of Ablution Wudu

Ablution is done to purify the body against impurities. We perform ablution particularly before offering namaz or before touching mushaf i....
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Real way of Loving Muhammad PBUH

Loving someone means to keep your ego aside to listen to your loved one and act accordingly as if you also willed and desired the same.
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Etiquettes Of Eating In Islam

Islam is a complete way of life. It does not cover only the aspects of worship or war or politics but a huge part of Quran and sunnah deal ...
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The Real Ideals For Muslim Women

The wives of holy prophet s.a.w.w are called mothers of the believers or ummahat ul momineen. The pious mothers of believers are best examp...
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Stars have no connection with luck

Astrology or the ilm of stars is very well known to all of us. People are connected to 12 stars with respect to their dates of birth. These...
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Most important Mosques in the world

Mosques are the places of worship of Muslims where five times daily salah is performed. Mosques are not only places of worship but in Islam...
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Ramadan A Chance To Change Yourself

Sit lonely for some time and ask yourself being honest and truthful that what is that you want to change in yourself. You may not answer or...
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Importance of Giving In Islam

There are so many ways in which we can help others and spread happiness. Mostly, giving is associated with money or charity but giving does...
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Concept of Hell and Paradise in Islam

Al-Quran 2:025 “Give the good news to those who believe and do the righteous deeds. Theirs shall be the gardens (of Paradise) through whic...
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Muslims need to come up in media

Today’s age is media’s age. It was said that world is one click away from our home but now it will be right to say that turn on your TV and...
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Forgiveness Is Important In Islam

Forgiveness is act of forgetting or overlooking the wrong doings of people. Relatives, friends or even strangers sometimes hurt us very much...
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Follow Quran and Sunnah, not any particular scholar

Two main sources of knowledge and guidance in Islam are Quran and Sunnah. Quran is the divine word which will never be changed till the las...
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An ideal Muslim husband

Society is built with the sacred relation of man and his wife. This is how human race is not only preserved but a continuous process of gen...
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Who Is Gustakh E Sahaba?

With due to respect some hate mongers in spite of being Ramadan and neglecting the Worships in this Great Month. They have still hatred for...
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Islam was not spread by sword

Today, the biggest concern of the world is the growing population of muslims and it is projected that by 2030, the total muslim population ...
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Can we infuse science in islam?

Before going to discuss the topic, we will first see what these two terms mean and why do we relate them.  And that is there any need to giv...
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Dr. Farhat Hashmi A Great Female Muslim Scholar

Pakistan is a blessed soil in some ways because it has given the world, some very famous and pious and well versed people. dr. farhat hashmi...
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Seerah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

Early age Our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w is the best man and the most influential one as admitted by many non muslims. He was not onl...
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Rights of Animals In Islam

Islam is the only religion in the world which spreads peace for all, and it does not even neglects the poor animals who do not have tongue ...
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Who is excused for Ramadan fasting

From among the obligatory worships, fasting is one. Every muslim has to fast and those who do not fast thinking it a difficult act, they com...
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Muslims do not worship kabaa, but ALLAH

A loved argument for non muslims, especially hindus is that muslims worship kabaah, they prostrate before a room, they kiss hajr-e aswad whi...
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You Need To Be Careful While Forwarding Islamic SMS and Emails

If you have just received an Islamic sms and now you intend to forward it as it is, please stop for a minute. Do you know what you have rece...
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Tongue of a Muslim

It is the tongue which can make you win a battle without trying your sword, and it is the same tongue which will cause you harm if used with...
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Quran on Maryam A.S (Mary)

ALLAH swt has sent HIS pious people on earth in every era so that people could learn from them and their lives and the time they spend in th...
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Be More Careful About Your Deeds than Others

Muhammad s.a.w.w said; “...It is only evil that causes a man to debase his Muslim brother...” [Muslim] If a person does not offer salah ...
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Why You Got This Life? Why You Are In This World?

Ever wondered why you have been selected to be given life and to be sent to this world? If not then start thinking about it now, at this ver...
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Importance of making Dua

Dua or prayer is to invoke ALLAH swt for any matter at any time of the day. we are encouraged by Islam to ask for anything any time of day w...
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How to treat children in light of Islam

Children are one of the blessings of ALLAH. ALLAH swt tests HIS slaves by either giving them kids or by taking their kids back from them. So...
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The 29th Night Of Ramadan Month

Ramadan in Hong Kong seems to be about a day ahead of most of the readers on this blog. I guess it has to do with being this far in the East...
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The Islamic Way of Wedding and New Inventions

Wedding is sunnah and most recommended one because of its social and personal life benefits. it is supposed to be a simple and easy to do a...
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Shirk Is the Biggest Sin In Islam

Ascribing partners unto ALLAH is the biggest sin and this sin will not be pardoned by ALLAH swt. if one does it knowingly than it becomes a...
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Sehri and Iftar In Ramadan

It is always loved and liked to eat even a single grain in Ramadan because the month of Ramadan itself is loved and liked. People become so...
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Business from Islamic Point of View

Islam encourages trade because trade is the way to generate revenue. It is true because even today’s economies depend totally on businesses...
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The Islamic Economic System

Economy runs by a defined and complex system called economic system. Today’s economic system is so complex that it is virtually impossible t...
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Importance of Lailatul Qadr (Shabe Qadr)

Shab-e qadar means the night of decree. This is that night of the year when ALLAH swt decides upon the matters of the universe till the next...
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Introduction to Quranists (Hadith Rejectors)

ALLAH swt has said on several places to obey Him and to obey HIS messenger Muhammad s.a.w.w without any doubt. Below are given those verses...
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Importance of Dawah

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and this growth has took a fast pace after the incident of 9/11. Suddenly, one part of w...
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Free Islamic Dress Up Games

Do You There is a large Collection of Islamic Games  available Online that you can play and enjoy. These Games will not just be fun for you...
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Dowry Haram Or Halal According To Islam

Dowry or mehr is that amount which is the legal right of woman after the nikah is conducted. This amount is paid to the bride by the brideg...
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12 Benefits of Zakat

Zakat, the forth pillar of islam is obligated to be payed by every sahib-e nisab among the muslims. Those who have wealth beyond their need...
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Ramadan Timings 2011 for Muslims Of Canada

A Large Population of Muslim also lives in Canada who fasts every year in Month of Ramadan. Here we are posting Ramadan Timings 2011 for Mus...
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Islamic Tips For Students

Learning is a continuous process it starts with birth and ends with the death. We spend all of our life in learning either we know it or not...
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Do Not Make Fun of Sunnah Followers

Allah SWT says in Holy Quran. If you were to ask them, they would surely say, “We were just joking and having fun.” Say, “Are you having f...
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Terrorism Is Not the Monopoly of Islam

Terrorism is derived from the word “terror” which means fear or fright. The word terrorism became famous after 9/11 when world saw a plotted...
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Ramadan Timings 2011 For Abbottabad, Sialkot, Multan, Peshawar, Faisalabad

Here are Ramadan Timings 2011 for several Pakistani Cities Like Abbottabad, Sialkot, Multan, Peshawar, Faisalabad, Hyderabad, Rawalpindi, Sa...
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Important Issues Related to Moon Sighting For Ramadan and Eid

There are some important issues related to moon sighting which need to be discussed when we are seeing moon of Ramadan.These issues are as f...
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11 Important tasks to be performed in Ramadan

This Year's Ramadan is starting next week and all of us are ready to welcome it like we do every year. Here are some Important things t...
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What to see when choosing a life Partner

Beauty or character, what should one look for while choosing a life partner? If we go by the today’s practices and trends, then it’s nothin...
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Tips For Answering The Allegations Of Non-Muslims About Islam

It is very natural these days to see a many discussions, queries, and objections to Islam as a religion. Sometimes these objections and que...
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Ramadan Timings 2011 for Pakistani Cities Lahore, Karachi and More

Ramadan in Pakistan is starting from 2nd July 2011 Possibly so everyone is looking for Ramadan Timings. This why we have brought Ramadan Tim...
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Ramadan In America Photos

Millions of Muslims Lives In United States of America which like other Muslims around the world also fast in Holy Ramadan. Here we are prese...
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Cricketer Wayne Parnell Converts to Islam

In recent years, there have been seen many celebrities who converted to Islam mainly from Christianity. A huge number of foot ball players a...
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How Many Taraweeh You Should Offer 8 0r 20?

Ramadan is the month of great blessings for muslims. It offers great deal of reward to us for every good deed we do. The reward for every go...
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Social Benefits of Ramadan

There are so many benefits of the month of blessings and mercy and forgiveness that counting them on finger tips will not be possible.  Apar...
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Health Benefits of Fasting

The month of blessings and forgiveness, Ramadan does not only bring with it a chance for us to refrain from evils and to do as much good dee...
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How Muslims Around The Globe Celebrates Ramadan?

The Holy Ramadan a special month for the Muslims to start till end, in the world where ever Muslims are resident are they celebrate the begi...
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Training Kids For Ramadan

After namaz, the third pillar of islam is roza i.e. fasting. A muslim cannot be a muslim if he does not believes or cares for the five major...
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Ramadan Is Not Just Eating and Sleeping

The blessings of Ramadan are many folds the goodness of this month cannot be measured with any scale because this is the month of ALLAH swt....
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Offering Tahajjud In Light of Quran and Hadith

Tahajjud namaz is the most valuable among the involuntary namaz which is offered during anytime in the day. though this namaz is not compuls...
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Islam Is From Day One Not 1400 Years Old

“islam is for the day one”, what does it mean? It means that from the very beginning of the human race, islam is been preached and practiced...
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How a Muslim Should Walk On Earth?

Human being has been created from dust and given a shape of the crown of creatures by ALLAH swt. The very existence of humans should be enou...
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Benefits of Salah Namaz

Among the 5 pillars of islam, namaz is the second. After kalimah, what a muslim must do it namaz. Muslims must offer 5 times namaz in a day....
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Why Fasting In Ramadan Is Necessary?

Every Human on this planet is creation of Allah SWT. Allah the most merciful has set some rules and norms while he was creating the human an...
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Why Islam Is Growing So Quickly In West?

The true religion to ALLAH is none other than the one he liked i.e. Islam. Islam has faced the worst resentment from its opponents  right fr...
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Music Vs Quran and Nasheeds

As far as the matter of music is concerned, it has no place in islam. The only musical instrument allowed is the duff or tambourine. And the...
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Controlling Your Anger In Islam

Anger is a mental state when all the goodness of the personality disappears and the only thing left on the face of an angry person is the ug...
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Ramadan Kareem in Pakistan Photos

Pakistan is one of the biggest Muslim Country where Ramadan is observed every year with lot of Excitement. Here are some photos of Ramadan i...
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Rights of Wife In Islam

ALLAH swt has tied the humankind in many relations. One of the relations is the relation of husband and wife. This is the basic relation and...
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Rights of Husbands In Islam

We talk about Quran and Sunnah and all that has been ordered to us to make our life partners happy. What we do not understand is that to lea...
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Reasons of Muslim downfall

Rise-downfall, downfall-rise, this is the cycle humans saw since the beginning of the human race. History has proven that whenever a nation ...
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Ramadan In Russia Photos

Millions of Muslims Lives in Different States of Russia who fasts in months of Ramadan every year. Following we present Ramadan In Russia Ph...
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Some Of The Greatest Muslim Scholars

ALLAH swt has blessed his deen with 124000 prophets and to spread and keep alive HIS message which was transmitted through prophets, HE crea...
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Websites For Doing Dawah of Islam

To find an authentic website on internet, that has the valid information about islam is as difficult as finding a needle from the straws. Bu...
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Purpose of Fasting In Ramadan

Fasting (roza) is both the nafil and the farz worship. In ramdan, fasting is obligatory while outside Ramadan, it is a nafil ibadah. What sh...
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Islamic Way of Parenting

Islam is religion of peace and humanity. The lesson of peace and kindness that we have been taught through Quran has been taught the nations...
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Halal Earnings Are Very Important

What does it mean to earn halal and avoid haram? The answer looks very easy and obvious to muslims because they certainly know what is halal...
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Islamic Greetings

A man came to Prophet(pbuh) and said, “Salaamun ‘alaykum.” He (the Prophet (pbuh) said, “10 hasanahs.”. Another man passed by and said, “Sa...
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Introduction of Great Islamic Scholar Dr Zakir Naik

Dr. zakir naik is one of the prominent scholars who based his dawah of islam on the ground of comparative religions. His teacher was sheikh ...
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Is It Halal Or Haram To Use Social Media Site Facebook?

Facebook is most popular Social Networking Website Online that is reached by Millions Everyday. Its Users are more than 750 Millions. A Lar...
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How To Organize Your Time In Month of Ramadan?

As We Know That Blessed Ramadan is almost here in a few days and all of us are preparing for the spiritual month. One of the problem some pe...
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Will More Women Go to Hell Than Men?

Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 76 :: Hadith 456 Narrated 'Imran bin Husain: The Prophet said, "I looked into Paradise and found th...
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Rules and Ratio of Zakat In Islam

Zakat is the purification of maal. It is to be paid once in a year i.e. at the end of a calendar year when at the end we are left with any p...
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Relationship of Islam and Pakistan

Pakistan appeared on the map of world as independent country on 14th august 1947 in the blessed month of Ramadan on the 27th Date. The creat...
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Fashion and Islam

Fashion as we know today means to look weird by adopting weird styles. There has been introduced and injected vulgarity in our society in th...
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What Quran and Hadith Says About Jews?

Jews is the nation of bani Israel, in Quran, jews have been mentioned in many places mentioning their treacherous nature and pride that they...
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Following Way of Forefathers Or Prophet Muhammad SAW

Al-Quran: 2:170 “When they are asked to follow that which Allah has revealed, they say, “no! We would rather follow the path that we found...
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Importance of Holy Quran Recitation

(Quran 54:17) “And indeed We have made the Qur’an easy for you to understand and remember: Is there any that will receive caution?”
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The Health of Heart and Jealousy

Heart is the first organ which develops when the human body is formed. Hence, it is the heart which beats first then comes the brain. The he...
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Remembering Allah In Your Heart (Zikr)

Ziker or remembrance of ALLAH swt is to take HIS name in every matter at every step. We are blessed with countless blessings of ALLAH swt an...
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Reality of Islamic Banks

Bank means “store”, “stock” or “reservoir”. Bank that deal in financial market keep money in it and in turn invests the money that it gets f...
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Haram Use Of Internet

It is the use that makes the technology bone or bane. Negative use makes things look bad and positive use of the same thing makes the same t...
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Hide Fault Of Your Muslim Brother

Today i am writing on another important issue of our Society that is Fault of others. What we should do if come to know about Faults of Our ...
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When and How Young Muslims Should Do Jobs and Businesses?

This Article Is Written By Islamic Scholar of IRF Nissar Nisar Nadiadwala which contains a very important lesson for Muslim Youth About thei...
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